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Every club in the football world has its own colours and club kits. The same goes for We have hundreds of club kits at our disposal, each with unique stats and bonuses. The basic club kit consists of jerseys, shorts, socks, and boots. These items are placed in the respective slots in our club. Equipped items enhance the stats of our players (cards) and provide additional boosts and upgrades. Additionally, balls, armbands, and shin guards can be added to the kit, with their own bonuses. Collecting an entire set grants extra effects that directly impact match results. Each item is unique and boosts different stats, allowing for a vast number of gameplay combinations with various tactics and formations.
Types of items:
There are two types of different club items:
Basic – jerseys, shoes, shorts and socks. These items have the following tiers: poor, upgraded, rare, epic, legendary, platinum, historical MID and historical TOP.
Special items – these include balls, armbands and shin guards. We have the following 7 item tiers in this case: rare, epic, legendary, platinum, historical MID and historical TOP.
Every item of every tier can have different statistics and different skill bonuses.
There are thousands of items in, and they all have different tiers and statistics, which allow limitless possibilities when it comes to boosting teams during matches.
Item sets
Once we collect four basic set items of the same tier; a jersey, shorts, socks and shoes, we receive an additional bonus in stats for those items.
We receive additional bonuses when we manage to collect special items of the same tier and with the same name, such as a ball, armband, and shin guards.
Additional items
Drinks are beverages that can be used at any moment. Drinks have different properties and tiers. The tiers determine the strength and duration of the bonuses we receive after drinking them. The bonuses can range from influencing our gameplay to club expansion or an increase in Team Points.