Play and Earn
Last updated
Last updated has been designed to provide a lot of joy for the players. Everyone can build their own club, manage it, participate in various competitions, collect beautiful, custom-made player cards, complete sets of football items, and so on. Nevertheless, one of the most important features of the entire game is rewarding players for their dedicated time and achieved results.
We are delighted that the implementation of blockchain technology allows for the creation of a modern player reward system in a fair and transparent manner.
What are the rewards?
100% of the play to earn rewards are in the #realYield system, and they're paid out in the USDC token.
How are the rewards distributed?
Player rewards are distributed through the league and tournament systems in This means that a specific amount of USDC tokens will be allocated for each 30-day season from the game Treasury pool. Every player in the league or tournament will receive daily rewards for their competition and participation.
For each victory, we receive 70% of the value from the allocated pool for the match.
For each defeat, we receive 30% of the value from the allocated pool for the match.
The value of the match pool is based on the league and tournament class. The higher the league and better the tournament, the greater the rewards. Additional rewards are granted for achieving high positions in leagues, promotions, and tournament victories.
Where do the rewards come from?
They come from all the in-game activities involving purchase transactions such as:
Creating NFTs, including player cards;
Creating and upgrading items;
Creating and upgrading club buildings;
Any and all in-game purchases, such as Team Points;
Tournament entry purchases;
All transactions with a fee.
Rewards distribution
30% of the funds raised are allocated to rewards for players (in USDC token);
30% of the funds raised are allocated to rewards for NFT stadium owners (in USDC tokens);
5% of the funds raised are allocated to a Buyback Program, which provides investors and their NFTs with protection, stabilizes the market, and fosters trust in the project.
35% of the funds raised are allocated to server maintenance, developer payouts, game expansion, support, and advertising.
Additionally, the Game's Treasury will receive initial capital from the sale of football stadium NFTs.
More rewards:
In addition to the rewards received for league matches and tournaments offered by the game, players compete for prizes in dedicated tournaments created by the players themselves, as well as special tournaments that require a ticket purchase. In such cases, 80% is allocated to rewards for players, 12.5% of the funds raised are allocated to rewards for NFT stadium owners, and 7.5% of the funds raised are allocated to server maintenance, developer payouts, game expansion, support, and advertising.
Reward distribution in Global Leagues
Rewards in global leagues are allocated per season. Every time a new season starts, the TOTAL POOL of the Game's Treasury is divided into 12 parts. In other words, 1 out of 12 parts of the pool will constitute a reward, appropriately divided among leagues and tournaments. The remaining USDC tokens are frozen in the Game's Treasury. This will enable the game to continuously pay out valuable rewards.