
Club creation

You start the game with an open club at level 1 and a basic set of cards when you create an account. The club is assigned to your account.

Club upgrades

Club development is a crucial aspect of the game. Upgrading the club to higher levels increases the daily Team Points bonus and unlocks new slots where we can store player cards and other various items to strengthen our club. These include football kits, balls, armbands, and shin guards, as well as bonuses and boosts, match tactics, formations, and club buildings.

Team Points are used to level up the club.


As our club level increases, we unlock new slots where we can place player cards, club items, or buildings - these slots can be upgraded (enchanted). Upgraded slots enhance the power of the items which are placed within them. For example, a club jersey with +50 Playmaking placed in a slot upgraded to level +5 (enchant) will provide +55 (50 base + 5) points for the Playmaking skill for all player cards.

There are two ways of upgrading (enchanting) club slots:

  • Using stablecoin USDC - The acquired tokens are divided and allocated to NFT Stadium Staking, Team Treasury, and Game Reward Treasury.

  • Team Points - Club slots can also be enchanted to a certain level using Team Points.


Club buildings are items that we place in specific club slots. Depending on the building, its level, and its rarity, they provide different benefits to the owner. These benefits range from reducing upgrade and club development costs to accessing unique tactics and boosts that strengthen our team.

There are two different types of club buildings:

  • NFT buildings, which are minted using USDC tokens. There's a chance to obtain every rarity, including legendary and historical, during the creation process. The obtained tokens are divided and allocated to the NFT Stadium Staking, Team Treasury, and Game Reward Treasury. As NFTs, these buildings can be sold on NFT trading platforms and the game's internal market;

  • Bound buildings - buildings created as bound cards using Team Points. They have the same properties and bonuses as NFT buildings. However, the chances of obtaining the rarest rarities are reduced during the creation process. Bound building cards created with Team Points remain permanently assigned to the player's account and do not have NFT properties.


There are eight tiers of club buildings: poor, upgraded, rare, epic, legendary, platinum, historical mid, and historical top. To upgrade to a higher tier, we need to use a bound or NFT card of a lower tier for that specific building. The card will be burned during a successful exchange. Each tier has a specific chance of exchange.

There are two ways to upgrade to a higher tier:

  • Using the stablecoin USDC - The obtained tokens are divided and allocated to the NFT Stadium staking, Team Treasury, and Game Reward Treasury;

  • Team Points - Upgrading buildings using Team Points is possible up to a certain level.

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